Round Table of Companies
Forum to discuss orphan drug development & treatments for rare disorders in New Zealand
Established in 2019, RDNZ's Round Table of Companies is an influential group of companies with a common interest in making rare disorders medicines and other therapeutic interventions more available to New Zealanders with rare disorders.
The Round Table of Companies provides an important forum to foster transparent working relationships with industry and encourage open communication between industry and the rare disorder patient community. Maintaining independence and integrity is of the utmost priority to RDNZ.
The Round Table of Companies holds two meetings annually to discuss topics relevant to the development of orphan drugs and other therapeutic interventions for rare disorders in New Zealand.
We welcome all pharmaceutical and other companies with an interest in improving the lives of New Zealanders living with rare disorders to join RDNZ’s Round Table.
Please read our below policy documents and contact if your company would like to apply for membership.
Policy Documents
Position Statement on Financial Support from Pharmaceutical Industry
RDNZ policy on working with the Pharmaceutical Industry
Current members