Rare Disorders NZ is the connector hub and collective voice of rare health conditions in New Zealand.

Please use the form to the right to contact us, or email us directly: enquiries@raredisorders.org.nz

The RDNZ office is staffed on a part-time basis - our team will respond as soon as possible. 

For media enquiries: comms@raredisorders.org.nz

Contact Details

Phone: 0800 RARENZ (0800 727369)
Office: 027-250-0619

PO Box 7081
Wellington 6242

Registered Charity CC22512

Our privacy policy

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Our Collective

Rare Disorders NZ is the collective voice of all people living with a rare disorder and their whānau. Our rare collective is made up of more than 160 disorder-specific support groups.

Our work is informed by the issues important to our collective. We work together to improve healthcare and wellbeing for everyone living with a rare health condition in New Zealand.

Learn more