RDNZ Support group directory

This is a directory of the support group collective that works with Rare Disorders New Zealand. It is by no means an exhaustive list of support groups for the 7,000 plus rare disorders. If your support group would like to join our collective, please email enquiries@raredisorders.org.nz.

If you have searched the directory and cannot find a support group for your disorder, please contact us as we may be able to support you in other ways.

Start your own support group

If you would like to start your own support group, download our guide to setting up a support group here.

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Our Collective

Rare Disorders NZ is the collective voice of all people living with a rare disorder and their whānau. Our rare collective is made up of more than 150 disorder-specific support groups.

Our work is informed by the issues important to our collective. We work together to improve healthcare and wellbeing for everyone living with a rare health condition in New Zealand.

Learn more