For the second year running Heyday claimed victory at the annual Rare Beer Challenge at Fortune Favours on 8th March. Their Jockey Club Mint Julep Reserve Ale wowed the judges with its unique flavour hits of mint and vanilla, and along with an impressive complimentary social media campaign inspired by the Kentucky Derby, Heyday proved themselves worthy to hold on to the title of Rare Beer Champion for another year.

Second place went to Waitoa for their Waitoa Wadler brewed with pomelo and powered by human pedal power to create this truly unique shandy-style lager.

Third place went to none other than the hosts and creators of the Rare Beer Challenge, Fortune Favours for their ‘The Bush Walk’ wild ale, brewed on all New Zealand ingredients, including Manuka tips, Kawakawa and Horopito.

And the People’s Choice award went to Three Sisters for their Patchwork IPA, using still water from Juno Gin’s 2024 Summer Gin, containing mangoes, limes and chillies.

The Rare Beer Challenge has become an annual highlight for craft breweries around the motu to let their imaginations run wild to create a truly unique brew in the name of raising awareness and funds for Rare Disorders NZ.

An esteemed panel of judges votes for the best ‘rare’ beers with top marks going to innovative breweries who are able to make the connection to rare disorders through their beer and marketing efforts.

Rare Disorders NZ is so grateful to Fortune Favours for the effort they put into this event each year and to the sponsors NZ Hops, Cryer Malt and Kegstar for making it achievable. Big thanks also to the judges for donating their time, and to Hills Hats for donating the trophy hat.

And last but not least thanks to all the breweries involved in the 2024 Rare Beer Challenge: 8 WIRED BREWING, Nine barnyard owls, The Beer Engine, Choice Bros Brewing, Emerson's Brewery, Fork and Brewer, Heyday Beer Co, Mean Doses, Panhead Custom Ales, Three Sisters Brewery, Tuatara Brewing, Waitoa Beer, Altitude Brewing and Fortune Favours.

Our Collective

Rare Disorders NZ is the collective voice of all people living with a rare disorder and their whānau. Our rare collective is made up of more than 160 disorder-specific support groups.

Our work is informed by the issues important to our collective. We work together to improve healthcare and wellbeing for everyone living with a rare health condition in New Zealand.

Learn more