This event guide can be adapted for all ages, but is originally intended as a fun evening event for adults to get creative over drinks and nibbles.

  1. Organise a Paint and Sip event amongst your community where people come together to paint a unique design for Rare Disorders Month. This could be as simple as a small gathering with friends, family, and colleagues, or a larger ticketed event. 
  2. As your community may span Aotearoa, you could ask members of your community to organise Paint and Sip events in their own towns or cities. Send them this guide for more information. 
  3. Send a note to your database including information about Rare Disorders Month and how people can get involved. Give details about the Paint and Sip Event and any other events you are organising for Rare Disorders Month.
  4. In the note, ask those who are able to bring a koha for Rare Disorders NZ, and include a link to the RDNZ donation page.
  5. You may also like to make this a ticketed event to cover any costs, and donate a portion of your ticket sales to the RDNZ donation page. 
  6. To align with the #GlowUpShowUp theme, encourage attendees to don bright or neon coloured accessories.
  7. Choose an image you’d like attendees to paint. We recommend using this bespoke Rare
    Disorders Month design, including the words #GlowUpShowUp. 
  8. On the day, set up your space with canvases or canvas paper, newspaper or old table cloths to protect your table/s, paint brushes, jars of water, rags or paper towels, palettes (or plastic container lids) and plenty of acrylic paints. It’s important to ask attendees to RSVP so you know how many supplies you’ll need in advance.
  9. For a ticketed event, supply drinks and nibbles to attendees. We recommend bright coloured cocktails and mocktails to align with the #GlowUpShowUp theme. 
  10. For a non-ticketed event, you could encourage attendees to bring a plate and their own drinks for a shared supper. 
  11. It works well to have an event host who is confident taking attendees through the steps of painting the design. Alternatively, you could have the painting image projected on a screen, and/or printed at each painting station, for attendees to copy at their own pace.
  12. You could hold the event at a community centre, private venue, art club, school art room or someone’s home. Decorate your venue with bright, colourful decorations to fit with the #GlowUpShowUp theme.
  13. Another idea is to hold a virtual or hybrid Paint and Sip event, where each participant organises their own materials and paints together in their own home over Zoom. The event host can share an image of the #GlowUpShowUp design, and participants can all reveal their painting to each other at the end of the session. This is a great way to get friends and whānau across the country or overseas involved.
  14. Editable posters are available for download here. Use this template to promote your Paint and Sip event and you can order tattoos for all attendees for your group photo op, by emailing
  15. Take a photo of attendees in their #GlowUpShowUp attire with their finished paintings, and post it on your social media accounts, website, newsletters, and any of your other channels. 
  16. After the day, contact to arrange transfer of donations and send in your Paint and Sip photos.

Ngā mihi nui! We are so grateful for your support!

Rare News

Our Collective

Rare Disorders NZ is the collective voice of all people living with a rare disorder and their whānau. Our rare collective is made up of more than 150 disorder-specific support groups. Our work is informed by the issues important to our collective, and we work together to improve healthcare and wellbeing for everyone living with a rare health condition in New Zealand.

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